"Write what you know" they say.

Even of what you know is benefits advice work and writing stories about it only pays enough to keep your colleagues in biscuits!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Casting off...

Is it cheating to start 'NaNoWriMo' with 8,262 words already written?  Not, I suggest, if by 30th November you have 58,262 words and a book.  That's the plan.

The plan does not involve spending the morning at the local Farmer's Market and pottering in the greenhouse because it's a shame to waste a sunny day sitting indoors, though that is what happened this morning.  It doesn't involve catching up on friends and fellow activists on Facebook and it doesn't involve blogging - much.  It does involve making maximum use of the fact that it has clouded over and Jon has gone off to watch Stoke City.

It does not involve regular checks on Southampton's game against Hull.  Only it has.

Here's the (first draft) blurb:

Grand Union

When Women’s Aid worker Daphne Randall stormed out of the Council Chamber on a soggy January evening, throwing her political career away in the process, she had absolutely no intention of giving veteran journalist Harry Biddulph an interview, let alone a bed for the night. 
Three months later and the pair are in mortal danger.  Helped by Daphne’s inside knowledge of local politics and welfare reform, Harry’s investigations into an apparent suicide have uncovered financial scandal, high-level corruption and possibly even murder. 
When a series of disturbing incidents suggest that the Potteries are no longer a safe place for either of them, Daphne and Harry decide to leave town.
Surprisingly slowly...

Grab your windlass, Daphne - we're off! 

Wordcount at 19.55 1/11/2014 = 9,414

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