"Write what you know" they say.

Even of what you know is benefits advice work and writing stories about it only pays enough to keep your colleagues in biscuits!

Freebie Ebook Timetable

It would be fabulous to think that I could make a living as a writer - but better scribblers than me working in more popular genres than 'welfare rights lit' are feeling the pinch in these days of digital downloads and anyway, the plan wasn't to write the books that will make me my fortune but to win the 2015 election for the political party that will do slightly less harm to poor people.

OK, so that plan failed and, in the course of actioning the plan, I realised that my fictional advisers' ideal benefits system (see 'Continual Supervision' chapter 8) is uncannily close to Green Party policy rather than anything Labour have had to say for a long time.

So I joined them.

As 'counter-propaganda', the ebooks are often free to download. When they aren't free, Severe Discomfort and Continual Supervision have both gone up in price from the original 15/- and 4d to £1.99 in 'new money', but 70% of that now comes to the Beverage Fund, providing biscuits and other small treats to the beleaguered workers of Hanley Citizens Advice Bureau, rather than Amazon.  There will be scheduled free download days for both this summer, which will be the first Friday each month as far as my allowance of freebie days will stretch, for Severe Discomfort and the second Friday for Continual Supervision.  The link is for 'SD' is here

Please leave a review if you can spare a few moments.  Obviously, nice ones make 'my heart soar like a hawk' (to quote a real welfare rights adviser and respected colleague) while less favorable may initially make me mutter uncharitably, but are also how indie writers without professional support improve their writing and hone their style - or so I try to remind myself.    

Severe Discomfort is also always free to read, but not to download, via CompletelyNovel by following this link  If you do read it here, again please put a review on that site if you can.

The original 14 parts of the Limited Capability serial have morphed into three parts, The Assessment Phase, Work-Related Activity and The Support Group following the sections of the (single book) paperback edition.  The first part is usually free on the first Saturday of the month, the second on the second, the third on the third, and all three on the fifth.  Find part one through this link.  The first part is also free to read, but not to download, again via CompletelyNovel, here

The five episodes of Claimant Commitment, the final full-length Solent Welfare Rights Project story (perhaps - and then again, perhaps not) are available on Sundays.  Here's a link to Part One

Watch the Solent Welfare Rights Project's Facebook Page for updates and extracts, blog links and short stories and if you enjoy them, please share.  


  1. Hi Sarah, I have only just discovered that you have written another set of books, Claimant Commitment. Delighted to see these and have added them to my wish list. I thought I was 'following' you but obviously not, lol. Anyway hope you are well and I am really pleased to see this next set. Please don't end it there, I could read your books forever.

    1. Hi Faith, and how lovely to get your message.

      Your reviews have been very touching and encouraging and I'm so glad you enjoy my books. I plan to give the Walkers and the Solent Welfare Rights team a little bit of a rest after I finish Claimant Commitment, as I want to write a couple more canal based mystery/thriller stories for Daphne Randall (who you may remember is Hilary Carrington's friend who lives on a narrowboat), but I am sure there will be more from Lyn and Terry, Hilary and Tom and their friends and foes. Sadly, the election outcome suggests their troubles may have only just begun.

      I don't expect the last installment of 'CC' will be ready for another month or more, but I hope you will enjoy it when it's done.

      Thanks again for your kind wishes.

