"Write what you know" they say.

Even of what you know is benefits advice work and writing stories about it only pays enough to keep your colleagues in biscuits!

Sarah's Books

If you think people 'on benefits' are layabouts who've never done a day's work, let me introduce you to Lyn and Terry Walker.  Like most people claiming out-of-work and disability benefits, they worked hard before bad luck and ill-health stopped them.  They have two sons they're proud of, four grandchildren they spoil rotten and, thanks to the weird workings of the Social Security system and some good advice about what to claim, in the autumn of 2009 they aren't badly off. 
Things could be worse.  
Things are going to be worse.
Someone thinks they're scroungers...

Severe Discomfort follows the Walkers as they receive shocking news, seek advice, face Interviews under Caution at the DWP and contend with Social Security Appeal Tribunals, as well as mixed reactions to their plight from friends and family.  It also gives an insight into the work of an independent (fictional) Advice Project trying to support them while facing troubles of its own.

Here are a few reviews:

"'Severe Discomfort' is a funny, sad, frustrating,tragic and very true to life tale of what happens when a neighbour misunderstands what is going on and reports a family for benefit fraud. Terry and Lyn are realistic characters who are very human and easy to identify with; people who could be our neighbours or friends; people who are living every day with disability and ill-health and trying to maintain independence. I was so taken in by the story that I found myself wanting to shake Terry and tell him that he needs to follow the advice he has been given. The benefits legislation is complex but don't let this put you off reading it."

"Had to read from beginning to end. Couldn't put it down. Highly recommended. A good read for anybody. So true to life and very informative."

"A good story with interesting characters; I can actually picture these people in my mind. I know people that work in Welfare Rights and the rules are complicated and this book shows how difficult it is to get what you need and what can go wrong. You will need to concentrate, but Sarah explains how the system works as part of the story and anyone interested to know more about this will learn a great deal. If you think benefit cheats are all scroungers, then read this book and learn. I love reading and I enjoyed this book very much indeed. I'm looking forward to the next one."

"Have just read this, and really rather enjoyed it. It was quite difficult to get in to, but after a while the characters grew on me-at the beginning they seemed unsympathetic and dull, but now I want to know what happened to them. Was there a massive miscarriage of justice, or did Sally save them. In other words, where is volume 2?"

It's here!

Continual Supervision

"I couldn't wait to read the concluding episode in the Lynn and Terry Walker saga and wasn't disappointed. The tangled web of their appeals, the varied stresses and strains on all the characters - amusing, disturbing and touching - yet another page turner from Sarah's expert pen, with some extra naughty bits thrown in!"

"I loved it from start to finish. Severe Discomfort was good but this is brilliant!
This book is more than just a benefit appeal case history; it tells the story of how the benefit appeals process affects the family involved. The twists and turns of the case had me hooked and turning over pages trying to anticipate the outcome; by the end I felt I knew Lynn and Terry and their family and really cared what happened to them...  It is a book for anyone who has had experience of dealing with the frustrations of the UK benefits system, but it is also a book for anyone who enjoys a good family-centred story."

A 'two-in-one' paperback of both stories is available exclusively from CompletelyNovel here

18 months later, the Walkers - and the Solent Welfare Rights Project - face a new crisis...

Limited Capability (available as an ebook serial or in paperback from Completely Novel here).

"This picks up the story of Lyn and Terry as well as Hilary and her colleagues very neatly and moves things along at a great pace, lots of attention to detail about the little things that matter in everyday lives. You really feel you know the characters and care about them. The story is one that could happen to anyone and the characters are treated with respect and realism. Can't wait to read more."

"The series and the books had me hooked. Such a shame that I am at the end. So true to life and a reflection of all welfare rights workers lives over the last few years."
"I have read every one of Sarah's books to date. They are fantastic. Sarah has a real talent for drawing you in, so much so that you feel you really know the people in her books and are rooting for them. I am at the moment suffering from Sarah Honeysett withdrawal. Please bring another book out soon."

Claimant Commitment (being published as an ebook serial)

"Another brilliant episode in the lives of the Walker family, and the Solent Welfare Rights Project as they deal with the consequences of Welfare Reform. I loved the addition of advisers at the Jobcentre Plus who are struggling with the new JSA and ESA sanction regime. Can't wait for the rest."

And something a little different...

Grand Union

When Women’s Aid worker Daphne Randall stormed out of the Council Chamber on a wintry January evening, throwing her political career away in the process, she had absolutely no intention of giving veteran journalist Harry Biddulph an interview, let alone a bed for the night. 

Three months later the pair are in mortal danger.  Aided by Daphne’s inside knowledge of local politics and the troubling implications of welfare reform, Harry’s investigation of an apparent suicide has uncovered financial scandal, high-level corruption and murder. 

When a series of unsettling incidents suggest that The Potteries are no longer safe for either of them, Daphne and Harry decide to leave town.

Surprisingly slowly... 

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