"Write what you know" they say.

Even of what you know is benefits advice work and writing stories about it only pays enough to keep your colleagues in biscuits!

Monday, 1 February 2016

Bad news for the 'Beverage Fund'?

CAB team face 'hungry gap'!
We've been food shopping this afternoon, including the monthly 'biscuit ration' for the workers at Hanley's CAB office, purchased with the profits from sales of 'welfare rights lit' and home-made jam.  As Amazon pay me 3 months in arrears and sales were pretty healthy through the autumn, the fact that I won't have fruit for jam-making until June or July shouldn't pose a threat.  However, sales of ebooks have been very low this month, though the trade in free downloads remains brisk.

This is good news - at least as far as the original 'cunning plan' is concerned.  'Welfare rights lit' is supposed to be a not-for-profit counter-propaganda exercise, using tax-dodging Amazon (with deliberate irony) to host the material and similarly suspect Facebook and Google to spread the word.

In addition to the usual 'freebie' days, there is an extra opportunity to get the first two stories, Severe Discomfort and Continual Supervision this Wednesday, which is the third anniversary of Discomfort's publication.  All I ask in return is a share with your friends (especially any who subscribe to the Channel 5 view of people who claim benefits, or anyone who co-ordinates a book club) and/or an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads or CompletelyNovel. 

If you live near a welfare rights project, law centre or CAB, and you can spare the funds, you could bring them biscuits.  After all, it's almost the end of the financial year and, if you've read any of the Solent Welfare Rights Project's stories, you know this means we're all tightening our belts!

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