"Write what you know" they say.

Even of what you know is benefits advice work and writing stories about it only pays enough to keep your colleagues in biscuits!

Friday, 23 January 2015

They're back!

The original 'welfare rights lit' stories
A couple of days ago I saw a photograph of an alleged UKIP leaflet on Facebook which read:

"We could likely remove six million cars from the road if benefits claimants were not driving.  Why do they have the privilege to spend the tax payers hard earned money on a car, when those in work are struggling to keep their own car on the road?  These people really could catch a bus!"

That had to be a hoax - didn't it?  Well no, actually - it really had been put out by Leicestershire UKIP Councillor and prospective parliamentary candidate Lynton Yates!

That's just the latest and most extreme sign of how 'benefits bashing' is seen to be a vote winner.  While it has been encouraging to see some good articles and proper debate around the impact of 'welfare reform' on income inequality and the misery of sanctions, especially in the good old Guardian (who can consider themselves forgiven for overlooking Severe Discomfort as a potential 'self-published book of the month' last autumn - though it would have helped the cause mightily), on the other side of the propaganda war Channel 5 are churning out ever more outlandish 'Big Fat Benefits...' freak-shows and advertising for benefit fraud tip-offs for a new show, while Channel 4 are lining up a new series of Benefits Street for the spring.

It must therefore be time for the Walker family and their allies at the Solent Welfare Rights Project to step forward to do battle again.  The first part of a new serial - 'Claimant Commitment' - is out now and free to download this weekend.  You should find it here

It's a coincidence - and not a happy one - that as the focus of this story shifts to the Project's local Jobcentre and the reign of terror instigated by a ferocious new manager, in reality Southampton finds itself named as a sanctions hot-spot second only to Derby, with over 9% of JSA claimants having their benefits cut.


The team also brace themselves for the Bedroom Tax, get involved with their local Foodbank and face up to life after Legal Aid. How will it all end?

I wish I knew! 

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