Not Andromeda House |
Looks like the Construction Co-op have been at work!
In particular, I needed to refresh my memory of the local ex-Council housing. Northern estates have different brick colours and house shapes; more brick walls but fewer hedges, garage blocks and owner-occupiers. It helped to get another look at the type of house where Lyn and Terry muddle through their lives together, with Stu and Linda next door and Susan up the road. Their crescent of houses isn't a real road, but if it did exist I know exactly where in the borough it would be.
It wouldn't be Netley Abbey, where I grew up, though Netley's housing, past and present, does inspire some of my characters' homes. Houses like Hilary's fine old Victorian villa - only with the misfortune to stand in less auspicious locations than the prosperous environs of Winchester - have fallen beneath the tracks of JCBs, having decayed through multi-occupancy and low-budget care home use over the decades since they ceased to be sought after by officers from the old military hospital.
New flats in a variety of shapes have sprung up in their place, many blessed with the fake balconies so detested by Sally Archer (she knows a crap building when she sees one), leaving parts of the village feeling claustrophobic, but a few gems such as the one at the top of this post remain - for now. Netley's Station Road also has some larger classic 'thirties semis' of the type where Mike, Lorraine and their children reside, though their home isn't sited anywhere near here in its imagined version.
New flats in a variety of shapes have sprung up in their place, many blessed with the fake balconies so detested by Sally Archer (she knows a crap building when she sees one), leaving parts of the village feeling claustrophobic, but a few gems such as the one at the top of this post remain - for now. Netley's Station Road also has some larger classic 'thirties semis' of the type where Mike, Lorraine and their children reside, though their home isn't sited anywhere near here in its imagined version.
It's possible, however, that someone will end up in one of these trendy terraces along the 'front of the village' before the end of the current tale. No spoilers!
Southampton Semis |
If it feels as if it's time to move north for locations and characters, there's no shortage of material. Daphne has a backstory and two notebooks of draft adventures for a start. Alternatively, having read and thoroughly enjoyed Hilary Mantel's short story The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher in the Guardian last weekend, the field of alternative history beckons. Perhaps we might go back to 2002 and watch as a broken old television set falls from the third storey window of an Easterhouse tenement onto the balding pate of a failed Tory Party leader...?
I need a Tardis - right now!
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