There's also this problem that, having priced my ebooks as low as I can go to make them accessible and affordable to as many people as possible (there being a public information or 'counter-propaganda' element to my tales), for each £1 we raise for the 'Beverage Fund', Amazon takes £2.
I would rather give the stories away than settle for that, so I do. Episodes of Limited Capability are currently free to download every Friday with 1, 5, 9 and 13 available on the first Friday of the month, 2, 6, 10 and 14 on the second and so on. They're all free on the 5th Friday (the next one is 29th August). I may swap the day later in the autumn, so people who have lively social lives and are out on Friday nights can also get their Welfare Rights Lit fix for free. I've added an 'ebook freebie timetable' page to the blog that you can check for updates.
Severe Discomfort doesn't have a fixed timetable but is next due for free release on 30th and 31st August and 13th and 14th September. Continual Supervision is free on 6th and 7th September and 20th and 21st September.
If you download free ebooks and can afford to do so, please make a donation to your local CAB, Law Centre or local Welfare Rights Project. Biscuits are good. Cash is also good, as we don't get as much as that from the Government and local councils as we used to.
If you aren't sure what the 'Beverage Fund' is supposed to do, the blog post about it is here:
One day I'll find out how to do those clever links without the whole web address...
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