A bonus scene from the 'Director's Cut' of Limited Capabilty |
Just in time for the 5th Friday and thus the 'big giveaway' of Limited Capability, I've finished replacing the 'art paper' covers for the ebook episodes with appropriate photos. I've also taken the opportunity to fix some typos, though the major proofing exercise is still on hold pending the final reports from two of my triumvirate of proof-readers.
My original plan for Episode 13 (a pair of trendy trainers - that will make sense when you read it, if you haven't already) has been superceded by a details from a picture of a classic Victorian Town Hall. It could be the home of the Solent Welfare Rights Project, as I pictured them working from a building of this era, but in fact this one is a long, long way from Hampshire. It is Fenton Town Hall, here in the heart of the Potteries - Fenton being the sixth of what Arnold Bennett named the 'Five Towns' (and whose inhabitants have never quite forgiven him his oversight). It's an appropriate choice despite that, though having promised there would be no spoilers I can't spell out why!
One thing the Project staff won't get to admire in their Town Hall is a First World War memorial with the grandeur of Fenton's. An impressive tribute to almost 500 local men lost in that conflict and made from individually hand-painted Minton tiles, it is absolutely unique.
Having been used as a Magistrates' Court since the Six Towns became one city, Fenton Town Hall is being sold by the Ministry of Justice and may very well pass out of public ownership. Even if the building is safe (and many local campaigners are not convinced it is) public access to the memorial could be greatly diminished or lost. The memorial certainly won't move to a safe home in a museum - the attempt would result in its destruction. There is a petition calling on it to be saved for posterity here:
Episode 14 was always going to be a tough one to pick a pic for and I haven't really, as the photo illustrates the final chapter of the story available as an ebook, though the current paperback omits this event. It's still part of the bigger picture, however - I've decided to save it for the opening chapter of the 'new book'.
Treat it as a sneak preview!
Don't forget it's something of a giveaway weekend - in addition to all of the Limited Capability episodes free tomorrow, the Severe Discomfort ebook is free Saturday and Sunday and, for all you quick readers, Continual Supervision is free the following weekend. If you enjoy the books and can afford to do so, please make a donation (on Lyn and Terry's behalf, as it were) to your local CAB and if you are feeling particularly generous, pop a rating (or even better, a little review) on Amazon or Goodreads for me. Thanks!