"Write what you know" they say.

Even of what you know is benefits advice work and writing stories about it only pays enough to keep your colleagues in biscuits!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Still re-covering...

I think I'm going to need a toasted teacake soon. 

It's not what you'd usually follow a large glass of Rioja with, and you wouldn't usually have a large glass of Rioja with a samosa, of course, but if you've read Limited Capability you'll have a bit of a clue of what these bits and pieces are for (and that the samosas for the cover photo of Episode Ten should be veggie ones, not lamb!)

I've now either found or staged photos for the covers of the first eleven (out fourteen) episodes of Limited Capability.  Three to go!  Without straying too far into Spoilerland, I've used a portion of a photo from a real-life first birthday party for the cover of Episode Six, our Christmas tree from a couple of years ago for Episode Seven, a wintery shot taken in a much smaller garden than the splendidly romantic grounds of Andromeda House for Eight and a suitably muted shot across Southampton Water for Episode Nine.

Episode Eleven has a very bland cover (the water in a swimming pool); I had a more interesting alternative in mind but this struck me, somewhat perversely, as a good choice for the episode reviewed as 'boring' - especially as nobody has yet put in a review to defend it!

So all that are left to do are those for Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen.  I can see all of them in my mind's eye, but I haven't got anything in stock that meets the spec, so won't get them in the camera lens for a little while.

The tweaks to the text that I've spotted as necessary after a paperback proof-read have also been made to all the episodes with new covers, but I'm expecting more corrections when I get feedback from 'the team' checking for mistakes.  I'm sure that, as previously, fresh eyes will pick up things I've missed. 

And then I've got to finish my revised cover design for the paperback, and order a fresh proof copy for checking before it 'goes live' for sale.  It's amazing how much work there is still to do when you've finished writing a book!

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